woman with surf board

my breakup with the bathroom scale

Now here’s a radical idea β€” what if the journey back to optimal health is a vibrational one rather than an action-oriented one? ✨

I’ve been reading The Only Diet There Is by Sondra Ray. I came across the title listening to a Louise Hay Audible a few months back. The book isn’t that long, maybe 150 pages. It shouldn’t take me that long to read it, right? Wrong. It has taken a hot minute because it requires me to do actually do the work. πŸ’“

I guess you can say that my resistance is softening. I’ve gotten into what I refer to as the best shape of my life and ballooned back up several times in my thirties but didn’t manage to maintain it because I couldn’t hold the vibration of a skinnier me.

For years, I thought it was all about killing myself, suffering, and proving worthiness. I still do, actually. I mean, I had an entire Instagram account that justified why I deserve to look the way I did. Maybe that’s the reason why it got hacked. Maybe that’s the Universe’s way of telling me that I need to let go of my beliefs.

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memes that are still #relevantAF in 2023

Each of these memes are like my featured pic β€” like a rainbow that comes out after a storm. Feel free to refer back as often as you wish.

Fair warning: I will refresh this as I see fit. πŸ™‚

Life Advice

Don't make excuses for shitty people. You can't put a flower in an asshole and call it a vase.

If someone shows you who they are the first time around, believe them. This lesson has taken me so long to finally learn but I’m really glad I came to my senses about a lot of people this past year and will be damned if I let them back into my life. I’m not going to sit around and try to rationalize why they’re like this.


All I can do is keep my vibration high and radiating strong and everyone else who isn’t what I stand for which leads me to…

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…and now, I will do what’s best for me

There’s a reason why flight attendants tell you to put on your air mask first before helping the person next to you.

Between chasing my career aspirations and fitness goals, I really need to learn how to slow down and make self-care part of my daily routine. Here is the first of my Fab (and Sustainable) 5 features the top 4 headlines covering the best tips + 1 of my very own. Read More